By: Michelle Flowers-Taylor, Interim CEO

Growing up with a single dad was an amazing experience, full of love and laughter. But sometimes, I craved an extra layer of guidance, a voice that offered a different perspective, one I might associate with a mom. That’s where my Team Mom village came in.

Michelle Flowers-Taylor with her Dad

These incredible women, each with their own unique backgrounds and strengths, became my mentors. They offered advice on everything from navigating friendships to pursuing my academic goals. They celebrated my victories and supported me through setbacks. My Team Mom village wasn’t a replacement for my amazing dad, it was an expansion of my support system.

This experience solidified for me the profound impact mentors can have on a young person’s life. Having a team of leaders and guides, not just one, allows young people to access a wider range of experiences and perspectives. It empowers them to navigate life’s complexities with confidence.

Why You Should Become a Mentor

Maybe you, like me, grew up without a traditional family structure. Maybe you have a wealth of experience you’d love to share. Whatever your reason, there’s a young person out there who could benefit from your guidance.

Michelle Flowers-Taylor with students at IEC3 at USC during an onsite workshop at Google

Mentoring matters because …

  • You can make a real difference. You might not realize it, but your mentorship could be the spark that ignites a young person’s passion or helps them overcome a challenge.
  • STEM industries need diversity. Mentorship programs, especially in STEM fields, often lack representation for underrepresented communities. Your unique perspective can bridge that gap.
  • It’s rewarding. Witnessing a mentee’s growth and success brings immense satisfaction.


At Base 11, We Believe in Teams

Here at Base 11, we understand the power of a team approach. We connect students, particularly those from underrepresented communities in STEM, with a network of mentors. We ensure they have access to a diverse range of guidance and support.

We encourage you to consider joining this team by becoming a mentor. You never know how profoundly you might impact a young person’s life. Together, we can create a world where every young person feels empowered to pursue their dreams, regardless of their background.

Submit your interest form today and start mentoring the next generation!